

NAMI Keystone PA’s Blog features personal stories, press releases, news articles, and other content that provides information, insight, personal experiences, and more.

Keystone Connection Winter 2025 Newsletter

Keystone Connection Winter 2025 Newsletter

Featured Content: -A Step in the Right Direction: A NAMIWalks Recap -Youth Mental Health Conference Registration -Staff Blog: Veterans Breakfast Club -Support Groups, HelpLines, and Crisis Resources

NAMI Keystone PA Recognizes Mental Health Awareness Month & TD Awareness Week in May, Launches 2021 NAMIWalks Season

NAMI Keystone PA Recognizes Mental Health Awareness Month & TD Awareness Week in May, Launches 2021 NAMIWalks Season

Before the pandemic, one in five people in the U.S. reported having a mental health condition. Now, the figure is two in five, or even higher. This May, for Mental Health Awareness Month, NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania, the state organization of NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness...

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NAMI Keystone PA & WQED Multimedia Collaborate To Bring National "Well Beings" Virtual Tour To Pittsburgh

NAMI Keystone PA & WQED Multimedia Collaborate  To Bring  National "Well Beings" Virtual Tour To Pittsburgh

NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania is partnering with WellBeings, a national initiative, and WQED Multimedia on a live panel discussion, Healthy Connections: Teens, Parents, Educators, and Mental Health. The conversation will focus on how parents and teenagers can find common ground when it comes to...

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I'm Good

I'm Good

My anxiety is high. Go see a Therapist! I'm Good I'm so sad. Go see a Therapist! I'm Good ...

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Youth Mental Health Conference Goes Virtual, Focuses on the Impact Pandemic is Having on Young People

Youth Mental Health Conference Goes Virtual,  Focuses on the Impact Pandemic is Having on Young People

On Friday, February 5 NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania will host a virtual education conference focusing on the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on children, adolescents, and transition age youth. The conference, Closing the Gap: Prioritizing the Needs of Traumatized Youth , will examine...

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NAMI's Statement on Violent Attack at the U.S. Capitol

NAMI's Statement on Violent Attack at the U.S. Capitol

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) today released the following statement from CEO Daniel H. Gillison Jr., regarding the violent takeover of the U.S. Capitol building... Read More

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Taking Care of your Mental Health this Winter

Taking Care of your Mental Health this Winter

2020 has been quite a year. It's hard to believe we are already in December and the year is almost over. It felt like 2020 was just getting started when the pandemic hit and crushed all of our plans and expectations. I can't wait to put 2020 to rest and I hope 2021 is a much better year...

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I Served, Too

I Served, Too

It seems simple enough. I served, too! In the US Army, for eight years and even deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. But I and thousands of other women vets, many also married to a veteran, are always overlooked, not only by the public, but also our fellow veterans and the systems...

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Local Mental Health Walk Becomes National Virtual Event

Local Mental Health Walk Becomes National Virtual Event

Every year, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, known locally as NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania, brings together thousands of people to raise mental health awareness and funds through NAMIWalks Keystone PA. This year NAMIWalks is "going virtual." On Saturday, October 10, NAMI Keystone PA will...

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I Can't Remember a Time Before Mental Illness

I Can't Remember a Time Before Mental Illness

I can't remember a time before mental illness in my life, a time before the thoughts of my own death swam in and out between wondering what was on television and which crayon I wanted to pick next. I can't remember a time before seeing "visions" that no-one else saw...

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